Pipe Lining and Tools from Hurricane Reinstatement

Why Cured-In-Place Piping Is Becoming Popular & What You Need for The Process

There are a variety of plumbing issues that occur regularly and can take a considerable amount of time to fix. This is especially true when it comes to sewer piping. While many of these fixes may be simple, they are time-consuming. Much of this is driven by the fact that the piping may need to be removed before it can be repaired. This is a hassle that everybody wants to avoid, including plumbers and homeowners.

This has led many plumbers to look for quick and easy ways to fix these problems while still being effective. The end result must be a quality repair, regardless of how long it takes. There are a few ways that this can be done, with cured-in-place piping (CIPP) being one. Despite the process becoming increasingly more common, there are many plumbers who mightn’t know much about it. That’s a shame, as it can offer quite a significant number of benefits alongside being a quick and effective way to fix a pipe.

What Is Cured-In-Place Piping?

Cured-in-place piping (CIPP) is a process of repairing and restoring existing pipes using liquid resin and textile liner. This is typically done through a trenchless rehabilitation method. CIPP usually starts with a resin mixture being inserted into the textile liner. This mixture should contain an epoxy base that uses a pre-determined hardener such as steam. Once this has been done, the liner is inverted into the pipe using air pressure or water pressure. This means the side of the liner covered with resin will be pressed against the inside of the damaged pipe.

After this is done, a calibration tube is then inserted to hold the liner in place as it is cured or hardened. Curing the liner can be done using the ambient temperature, steam, or hot water. Typically, there isn’t a difference in the results offered by any of these, so you should be able to choose whichever one you want. When the liner is cured, the resin will become hard, creating a smooth and fitted pipe wall. This should be just as corrosion-resistant, if not more so, than the previous wall. Essentially, this means that you’re creating a pipe within an existing pipe.

If necessary, you may need to take additional steps. The most notable of these is the insertion of a cutting device to reinstate any connections. The need for this will vary from case to case, which means that you should be prepared to do so by ensuring that you have all the tools with you that you might need.


Many people may wonder why CIPP has become popular over the past few years. This is because it offers a variety of advantages when compared to traditional techniques, with the most significant being that it helps to save time and effort. Much of this is because it’s 100% trenchless, which means that you’ll be able to spend less time digging in order to gain access to the piping. This also results in less damage to the surrounding area, which can be beneficial to customers and why plumbing professionals like Spartan Plumbing, Heating & Cooling utilize Perma-Liner.

The time saving is also seen in the fact that this is one of the few options where you can treat just the affected area instead of needing to fix or replace an entire pipe. Replacement can be a relatively expensive process, which means that many customers will want to avoid it. By offering this option, customers are more likely to be able to afford it up-front. This also results in the process being much quicker end-to-end, with professionals being able to avoid waiting for payment.

You’ll also be able to save time by avoiding the need to order special materials and you should see a reduction in labor costs associated with these types of project. As a result, there are savings across the board.

This doesn’t mean that the CIPP process is less effective than traditional options. In contrast, it can often be just as effective, if not more so, than other ways of addressing an issue. This also helps to successfully prevent pipe failure, which may not be the case with different options. CIPP offers a more flexible alternative to many other treatment and repair options. This is because it can be used on any area of a pipe, including turns, bends, and angles. This makes it one of the few options that can effectively treat almost any part of a pipe.

What Tools Help with CIPP?

The tools that you use can make a significant impact on the job you’re doing. While much of this is seen in how well the finished work is done, it also makes the project itself quicker and easier. This means that you’ll need to ensure that you’re using high-quality tools. There are a few that you’ll need on-hand for a CIPP project. The first of these is a cutter, which you’ll need to get through the plumbing. Pipes are built to withstand a significant amount of damage, which means that you’ll need a product that’s been designed to get through them.

One that comes recommended for this is a Tornado Reinstatement Cutter, which can come in a variety of sizes. One of the primary benefits to these is that they can reinstate a service lateral in between 15 and 30 seconds, which is significantly faster than much of its competition. Along with this, there’s the fact that it can get through more reinstatements than other devices in a short amount of time. This is something that the majority of us will want to take advantage of, especially on larger projects. The Tornado Reinstatement Cutter can come in 2″, 3″ or 4″, depending on your needs. Larger sizes will be better for larger projects and vice versa.

Alongside a cutter, you’ll need a few other tools to perform a CIPP fix. One of the more notable of these is waterproofing equipment, which will be needed to ensure the piping is properly waterproof once you’ve finished the job. This will prevent any issues from developing after you’ve completed the work.

You may also need maintenance hole removal equipment. While this isn’t always the case, it can be beneficial for a variety of jobs. This is because the majority of piping will only be accessible through a maintenance hole, which will be difficult to open without the proper equipment. While there are a variety of other ways to get through them, it will be a lot quicker and easier with the equipment. None of us want to spend too much time getting to the piping.

Naturally, you’ll also need something to create air pressure in the pipe, as well as the tools that you’ll typically use while repairing a pipe. With how efficient cured-in-place piping can be, knowing as much as possible about the process will be helpful for any plumber. Despite being a relatively straightforward process, it can be easy to make a mistake that leads to issues in the future. This means that you should ensure that you know what you’re doing when you start using this process. By making sure that you have each of the tools that we mentioned above, you should be covered for any eventuality.

While the CIPP process can be basic, this doesn’t mean that you should use basic tools. The speed and ease with which you complete the repair is often affected by the quality of the tools that you use. This means that you should ensure you only use the best tools available. While these can be more expensive, they can also be well worth the extra cost. They’ll ensure that every job you do is of the highest quality possible. As a result, you should see significantly more business in the future.

5 Plumbing Tips to Save Your Holiday

With the holidays just around the corner, it’s inevitable that someone will have a plumbing emergency with the entire family over and a feast is freshly prepared. It happens around this time every year. It’s probably the busiest season for plumbers because drains are clogged, toilets are over-flowing and garbage disposals are breaking left and right.

These situations remind of us of a scene from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Just imagine, you’re about to cut the big turkey, and water starts leaking from the ceiling into the gravy, casseroles, and mashed potatoes, and ruins the turkey you’ve been slaving over all week!

This holiday season, we want you to be proactive to prevent any plumbing problems before Uncle Eddie comes over for dinner. Here 5 holiday saving tips that could prevent any plumbing catastrophes this season.

new underground large pipe installation

1. Pre-Holiday Home Plumbing Inspections
Expecting many guests this season? We can help ensure your fixtures are ready for extra use with a home plumbing inspection. This will help you avoid any major problems that could arise over the holiday.

2. The Garbage Disposal is Not a Trash Can
We know you have a lot of food left over, but this doesn’t mean you can throw anything into the garbage disposal. Avoid throwing poultry bones and skin, fruit or vegetable peels, and cornhusks into the disposal. This will clog the unit in no time!

3. Don’t Put Grease Down the Drain
Avoid pouring fats, oils and grease down your drains this season. When these substances go down the drain, it will harden, causing your sewer pipes to clog.

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